
In-person and online tutoring for all students.

Tutoring is available for more than 95 different Herkimer College courses and is free of charge to registered students. Our tutorial program is:

  • Nationally certified through the College Reading and Learning Association.
  • Staffed with trained, experienced tutors at both the peer and professional level.
  • For both on-campus and online students, with or without a referral.


Students are encouraged to make tutoring appointments as often as necessary. To make an appointment:

Embedded Tutoring

Embedded tutoring is a program designed to provide Herkimer’s students with additional opportunities to take advantage of academic support services. Students enrolled in courses with an embedded tutor have access to a peer or professional tutor who acts as a supplemental resource for the class. Embedded tutors:

  • Attend class and take quizzes or tests just like a student would
  • Learn with and alongside students
  • Hold study sessions once a week to cover important topics discussed in class
  • Collaborate with faculty to best support students’ needs

Online Tutoring

Both on-campus and online students can take advantage of the ASC’s online tutoring services. The following online support services are available:

  • Virtual Appointments: Students who cannot make it to campus for tutoring appointments can meet with a peer or professional tutor remotely through Microsoft Teams. To set up a virtual appointment, visit herkimer.accudemia.net or contact the front desk at (315) 574-4000.
  • Net Tutor: For night owls and students who do their best work outside of normal office hours, Herkimer works with a third-party service provider to give students access to 24/7 tutorial assistance in a variety of subjects. 

Questions? Call us at (315) 574-4000