P-Tech Program

Linking education to economic development.

The NYS Pathways in Technology Early College High School partnerships will provide nearly 9,000 students with a high school diploma, college degree and pathway to a job. New York is the first to take the “P-TECH” program statewide through an initiative that links education to regional economic development.  

The Herkimer BOCES VP-TECH program is a model for secondary education that includes college-level, credit-bearing coursework in the curriculum.

In VP-TECH’s “innovation spaces,” students focus on group collaboration and hands-on learning. Students are able to take the lead role in their learning, choosing pathways to their careers as they work toward their associate degree at no cost to their families. 

VP-TECH is a hybrid between college and the workplace. The program is a 4-6 year sequence that allows individualized pathways to completion, mentorships, and project based learning.