Coping with the COVID Pandemic

According to the Young People’s Mental Health Survey conducted by Mental Health America (MHA) in November 2020, seventy-one percent of college students reported that having a hobby helped their mental health the most during this pandemic and staying connected with friends was the second most helpful thing in maintaining wellness. If your student needs assistance in getting involved in activities and finding opportunities to meet friends, remind them that the Center for Student Leadership and Involvement at Herkimer College offers many Virtual Campus Activities and Student Clubs through Microsoft Teams, the same platform on which the Real Time Remote classes are being delivered.
The MHA survey also reported that many of the students lost connections to their Mental Health Resources when their education went virtual. The Counseling Center at Herkimer College has remained open and the counselors meet with students virtually. Students should not hesitate to make an appointment to speak to one of our counselors. Just like a student would meet with an academic advisor to talk about their academic plan and what classes they should take, a student who has an issue that is affecting their mental wellness should make an appointment with the Counseling Center. The Counseling Center is open M-F 8:30-4:30 and accessible by phone {315} 574-4034 or email
Mary Greene