Provost announces changes to Fall 2020 academic calendar
Dear Campus Community:
This is to inform you of an adjustment to the academic calendar for the Fall 2020 semester.
Classes will be delivered through November 20 without breaks. There will be no classes during the week of November 23. On-campus, in-person classes will transition to real-time remote beginning November 30 and continue through the end of the semester.
Residential students will be required to move out of on-campus housing by Sunday, November 22 and will not return until the start of the Spring 2021 semester in mid-January. A separate communication will be forthcoming with specific move-out instructions and information regarding a credit or refund for room and board fees for the time period between November 30 and the end of the semester.
This decision was made in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by eliminating student travel home and back to campus a few days later, potentially bringing the virus with them. Many colleges and universities throughout the state and the country have made similar changes to their academic calendars for the fall semester.
We appreciate your continued patience and cooperation in regard to the many changes in procedures and policies required to maintain a safe campus environment.
Michael A. Oriolo
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