September 20 is National Voter Registration Day

Did you know most eligible Americans don’t vote? Make sure you exercise your right to vote this year. Registering to VOTE is a big deal! Let your voice be heard! Register TODAY! For information on how to register to vote in NYS, take a look at the following resources:
- New York State Board of Elections:
- U.S. Election Assistance Commission:
- Voter Registration Information provided by SUNY:
Important Dates:
- October 14th: Last day to register in person to vote in the General Election (if mailed, postmark must be by this date)
- October 19th: Last day to receive change of addresses to be in effect for the General Election
- October 24th: Last day to postmark applications for the General Election
- November 7th: Last day to apply in person for Absentee ballot
- November 8th: Last day to postmark general election ballot. Must be received by county board of elections no later than November 15th
- November 8, 2022, 6 am – 9 pm: General Election
*IF you are from out of town, you should get your Absentee Ballot applications filled out and mailed to the proper Board of Elections ASAP. You can have your ballot mailed to your college address, if you’d like. Applications need to postmarked by October 24th and ballots need to be postmarked by November 8th. It is recommended that you submit your absentee ballot as soon as you can.
Not sure where to start?
Right to Vote in NYS (College Students)
Student Voting Guide for New York
From checking your registration to important dates, this tool can help you build a personalized voting plan: