Writing Lab

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Take your writing skills to the next level.

Located in LB 108, the Academic Support Center’s Writing Lab offers free writing tutoring for students in all disciplines and academic programs. Our student-centered approach familiarizes students with the writing process, encourages critical thought, and promotes active learning and engagement in the craft.

Our writing tutors can guide students through any stage of the writing process and can help address issues with a paper’s organizational structure, sentence clarity, spelling and grammar, and documentation. Students can make an appointment or drop in during open hours as needed.

Writing Lab services include:

  • An open-access computer lab for quiet writing space
  • Easy access to the College library for all your research needs
  • Assistance from a knowledgeable writing tutor as requested

Lab Hours

The writing lab is open for both drop-ins and appointments! Tutor availability varies day-to-day. To make an appointment with a writing tutor, please visit our online tutoring appointment portal at herkimer.accudemia.net.

Monday 8:00am-4pm
Tuesday 8:00am-4pm
Wednesday 8:00am-4pm
Thursday 8:00am-4pm
Friday 8:00am-4pm
Saturday/Sunday Closed


Questions? Call (315) 866-0300 ext. 8549





Meet our Writing Specialist:


Joshua Lanza

 Associates in Music Industry - Herkimer College

Bachelors in English - Utica University 

Masters in Creative Writing - Southern New Hampshire University