Collegiate Recovery Community

Students Thriving At Recovery (STAR)
Designed for our students in recovery and their allies, the STAR program provides collaborative events with other groups and organizations and education on recovery.
The 2022 Core Alcohol and Drug survey reports that 2.6 % of freshmen identify as someone in recovery from substance use. STAR’s needs assessment identified 6.5% of students identify as someone in recovery from substance abuse.
In an article published by SAFE Project in August 2021, "For every 10,000 students a university serves, there are 220 students who self-identify as in recovery. Additionally, an estimated 147 students are actively seeking support for significant substance use challenges."
For more information, contact the COUNSELING CENTER at (315) 574 4034 or counseling@HERKIMER.EDU
SMART Recovery
SMART Recovery advocates choice, so that those seeking recovery can choose what works best for them from a variety of options. The SMART Recovery goal is for you to achieve a healthy, positive and balanced lifestyle and to “graduate” when you feel your addictive behavior is behind you, not to remain a permanent participant in the program.
Through a partnership with RISE Recovery Community Outreach Center in Herkimer, NY, Herkimer College is able to provide students with a direct contact for additional support and resources regarding their recovery.
Additional Resources